Quality Inspection for 34 Inch Electric Cooktop - BST83X cast iron fireplace – Womho
Cast iron fireplace EN13240:2001 EN13240/A2:2004 Model:Bst83X Nominal Heat Output:5kw Performance when burn wood:80% Performance when burn Anthracite:75% CO emission of combustion@13%O2: 0.18% when burn wood @5kw heat output CO emission of combustion@13%O2:0.18% when burn Anthracite @5.3kw heat output Dust emission @ nominal heat output: 0.8-1.1g/h when burn wood Dust emission @ high heat output:1.5-1.6g/h when burn wood Dimensions(L x W x H):438*326*609MM Flue out Diameter:5''(Flue... -
One of Hottest for Classic Frame Fireplace - BST66 – Womho
EN13240:2001 EN13240/A2:2004 Model No. BST66 Nominal Heat Output 13.26kw Performance when burn wood 73.59% CO emission of combustion@13%O2 0.545% Dimensions(L x W x H) 710x500x762mm Flue out Diameter: 6" (Flue outlet top and rear) Fuel Wood/Coal Weight 150kgs First and secondary air inlet √ Air washing system √ Schott brand high temperature resistant glass √ Forest brand high temperature resistant pa... -
Professional Design Classic Flame Remote Control - BST89 – Womho
Nominal Heat Output 12kw Performance when burn wood CO emission of combustion@13%O2 Dimensions(L x W x H) 700x500x680mm Flue out Diameter: 6" (Flue outlet top and rear) Fuel Wood/Coal Weight 120kgs Bottom, top and rear air inlet √ Air washing system √ Schott brand high temperature resistant glass √ Forest brand high temperature resistant paint √ -
Wholesale Discount Cast Iron Outdoor Fire - BSTi15 – Womho
fit for 16” open wall Nominal Heat Output 8kw Performance when burn wood CO emission of combustion@13%O2 Dimensions(L x W x H) 600x490x355mm Flue out Diameter: 5" (Flue outlet top and rear) Fuel Wood/Coal Weight 80kgs Bottom, top and rear air inlet √ Air washing system √ Schott brand high temperature resistant glass √ Forest brand high temperature resistant paint √ -
High Quality Wood Burning Stove - cast iron clean burning stoves – Womho
EN13240:2001-2204/BS3841-2:1994 Model: BST83XNominal Heat Output:5kwPerformance when burn wood:80%CO emission of combustion@13%O2:0.11%Dimensions(L*W*H):438*326*609MMFlue out Diameter:5''(Flue outlet top and rear)Fuel:Wood Weight:60kgs Norminal Heat Output: 5kw Performance when burn wood: 80% Co emission when burn wood: 0.18% Dust emission when burn wood: 0.8-1.1g/h Measurement: 438x324x609mm Flue out Diameter: 5" (Flue outlet top and rear) ... -
Original Factory Vintage Cast Iron Fireplace Surround - BST27 cast iron fireplace – Womho
Cast iron fireplace Model:BST27 Diamensions(L*W*H):648*503*748MM Fule out diameter:6''(Flue outlet top and rear) Weight:108.5kgs Bottom,top and rear air inlet Air washing system Schott brand high temperature resistant glass Forest brandd high temperature resistang paint