Alumiunm Alloy Stove Fans
Alumiunm Alloy Stove FansMaterial: Alumiunm AlloyAnodization processBlades Color: Black/silver/gold/rose red/iron grey/nickelMeas: LxH: 140*110*250mm N.W.:0.97 kg The fan base and blade are made from aluminium, unique anodized blades which are not rust or corrosion on this wood stove fan have been designed to deliver a very broad thermal current.The stove fan generates its own electricity through the difference in temperature.The strip of metal in the base of the fan is a Bimetallic strip des... -
EN13240:2001 EN13240/A2:2004 Nominal Heat Output 12kw Performance when burn wood 75.5% CO emission of combustion@13%O2 0.699% Dimensions(L x W x H) 550x473x742mm Flue out Diameter: 5" (Flue outlet top and rear) Fuel Wood/Coal Weight 120kgs First and secondary air inlet √ Air washing system √ Schott brand high temperature resistant glass √ Forest brand high temperature resistant paint √ -
BST88 cast iron clean burning fireplace
Cast iron clean burning fireplace Model:BST88 CE EN13240:2001 EN13240/A2:2004 Nominal Heat Output:16.4kw Performance when burn wood:77.26% CO emission of combustion@13%O2:0.76% Dimensions(L*W*H):575*475*742MM Fuel:Wood/coal Weight:135kgs Flue out Diameter:6''(Flue outlet top and rear) Bottom,top and rear air inlet Air washing system Schott brand high temperature resistant glass Forest brand hight remperature resistant paint Nominal Heat Output 16.4kw Performance when burn wo... -
BST83X cast iron fireplace
Cast iron fireplace EN13240:2001 EN13240/A2:2004 Model:Bst83X Nominal Heat Output:5kw Performance when burn wood:80% Performance when burn Anthracite:75% CO emission of combustion@13%O2: 0.18% when burn wood @5kw heat output CO emission of combustion@13%O2:0.18% when burn Anthracite @5.3kw heat output Dust emission @ nominal heat output: 0.8-1.1g/h when burn wood Dust emission @ high heat output:1.5-1.6g/h when burn wood Dimensions(L x W x H):438*326*609MM Flue out Diameter:5''(Flue o... -
Nominal Heat Output 12kw Performance when burn wood CO emission of combustion@13%O2 Dimensions(L x W x H) 648x503x748mm Flue out Diameter: 6" (Flue outlet top) Fuel Wood/Coal Weight 138kgs Bottom, top and rear air inlet √ Air washing system √ Schott brand high temperature resistant glass √ Forest brand high temperature resistant paint √ -
Nominal Heat Output 7kw Performance when burn wood CO emission of combustion@13%O2 Dimensions(L x W x H) 549x456x994mm Flue out Diameter: 5" (Flue outlet top) Fuel Wood/Coal Weight 115kgs Bottom, top and rear air inlet √ Air washing system √ Schott brand high temperature resistant glass √ Forest brand high temperature resistant paint √